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52 Portraits, Catching up!

Most of the time, I do pretty well at keeping a lot of balls in the air.  But I can fully come clean and say that this fall has kicked my behind. Between our move in August, Zoe starting school (and all that comes with that), being home with Lilly and a session schedule that has been bursting at  the seams since late August, something had to give. In efforts to stay on top of editing and turning around image galleries in a timely manner, the poor little blog has been neglected for months. I had so many sessions from the summer and fall that I planned to share and I do hope to get to go back and highlight a few.

In the meantime, the quickest and easiest way for me to get back to some regularity posting here seemed to be to update my 52 Portraits project, with Zoe and Lilly.  I’m still taking their pictures every week but have just been terribly lax at updating the project here. Now that the end of the year is approaching and I am thinking about creating a photo book of the portraits in this project, I figured I’d better get organized.  Here’s September for both of my little ladies.


Week 36:




Week 37:


Week 38:


Week 39:



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