I will still be squeezing in as many beach trips as I can in September but we are officially back to school. One week in, we’re already back in the swing of all things structured and planned and scheduled. Gone are the lazy mornings followed by long days spent in the sun. Goodbye to seeking adventure all over New England (with a little side trip to the Jersey shore for good measure.)
It was a really good summer, full of all the things that my heart happy. Of course, I took a lot of photos along the way. (I probably take more than half of the photos of any given year in the summer!) I get through the long cold winter with the help of those photos and the promise of what’s to come!
There is a lot of talk about the pressure to make summers and holiday seasons “magical” for our kids. Some say that social media has really magnified that feeling. But personally, I think summers really are magical, without any effort on our part! It’s simply because we are led more by our senses and the pursuit of simple pleasure. Plunging into cool water on a hot day, biting into a perfectly ripe watermelon, staying outside on a warm night until there isn’t a drop of sunlight left….that IS magical!
So before client work takes over for the next ten weeks, I pulled my summer images together into a folder. I will create an album with the best of them soon. Then I created a video slideshow with music. We’ve already watched it on our television, thanks to the beauty of smart TV technology.
Whether you do it on some fancy software or using an simple app on your phone, I can’t recommend the slideshow option enough but be prepared. Your memories + music =happy tears (or maybe that’s just if you are a sap like me?) so don’t say I didn’t warn you. Here is our video followed by some highlights of the summer: