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Two gets a pretty bad rap. If you should make it through the first year of parenthood phase relatively unscathed, the last thing you want to hear is that your beloved is going to turn into a small monster upon his or her 2nd birthday but in all likelihood, someone will still think it’s good...
You just made me look forward to Two.
Beautifully written! Enjoy this time with Lilly and Zoe because they grow up so quickly! Zoe and Lilly will always have a special place in my heart… Please give the hugs from DeeDee!
Exactly! Just the other day, Drew told me he was soo frustrated. And, Eric definitely takes his sweet time going somewhere. Hope to see you soon for a photo shoot.
This brought tears to my eyes. So beautifully written, and so true. Two isn’t terrible at all, it’s magnificent.
So true 🙂
Agree with you, Anelise. I’m enjoying this stage so much. Much more aptly named the “terrific twos”.
Beautiful Anelise! Makes me wish I had read this when Emily was two……so perhaps I could have slowed things down a bit!
Sinead was an absolute dream baby to photograph. She was plump and rosy and slept blissfully through much of my time there. Whether awake or asleep, she was expressive and pulled out all the stops from sweet yawns and stretches to sleepy milk-drunk smiles. It was one of the easiest newborn sessions I can recall...