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Daphne’s 1st Birthday

I photographed Daphne as a newborn last spring and then again in the fall. Last week, I had the chance to photograph her first birthday party at the Little Lovage club in Boston. First birthday parties are a funny thing. Of course, it’s a day to celebrate the child and smother her with kisses from...

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  • Debbie KnowlesLove these photos – beautiful 🙂ReplyCancel

52 Portraits, Week 10

  Lilly, the kind of princess who stomps around her castle and perpetually has crumbs by her mouth Zoe, pretending to do “homework.”

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    In between moments

    I’ve been in a state of trying to organize personal photos for what seems like years….probably because it has been years.  Recently, I felt like I was making some headway with the purchase of a few more external hard drives where I’ve been trying to catalog photos by each month of each year. There’s the...

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    • Alice PaduchIt’s always the little moments. You will gather so many that some will get lost and reappear in your mind. Snippets and threads that tangle your brain.ReplyCancel

    52 Portraits, Week 9

    Every parent knows that car naps can be evil. But sometimes, you make the choice to run both kids all over the city right through naptime because it’s the last day of February vacation week and fun has to trump a regularly scheduled nap in the crib or bed once in a while. And sometimes...

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    • Nicole CannellaPrecious. Made me cry. 🙂 ReplyCancel

    Artifact Uprising Photo Books

    In both 2012 and 2013, I took on Project 365 and ended up with a photo for each day of that 2 year period. I highly recommend that you try this for a year (It doesn’t have to be January-December either!) and I loved watching the progression of our lives as I scrolled through the...

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    • JeanThanks for sharing!
      Do you have any recommendations for a wedding album? Would you recommend Artifact Uprising? I’m currently searching for a program to make mine but haven’t found any that I seem to love or seem great quality…
      Thank you!ReplyCancel


    Kerry and Dave welcomed little Gavin just over a week before I had the pleasure of meeting them all.  From the moment I arrived, Gavin was a dream baby. He slept contentedly in Kerry’s arms and even smiled a few times. He was just as happy to be laid down on the bed for a...

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    • KerryWe absolutely love the pictures. It was a pleasure to meet you and can’t wait to work with you again!
      -Kerry, Dave and Gavin!ReplyCancel


    Grayson was just about 4 months old for this in home session a few weeks ago. Ashley and Jason were quite clearly smitten with their little guy and for good reason. He smiled, he cooed and every so often, he demanded a snack, as all good supermodels surely do. At the end of all of...

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      Anne & Henry

      I first photographed Kim and her daughter Anne in April of 2012. I was due with my second child in just a few weeks and this was my last session before taking some time off. Kim’s mother was visiting from out of state and we met up at one of my favorite spots, Fresh Pond...

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